
miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

Decree for Primary Education, Region of Murcia.

During the last weeks we've been working on  a decree called "Decreto n.º 198/2014", which regulates primary education in the Region of Murcia (Spain). This document is of the utmost importance, since it contains the foundation of the curriculum that is to be applied in the Region.

We have focused on the first 7 chapters of the decree, which include a number of articles (31, to be exact) that cover a wide range of topics regarding primary education. The first chapter includes some general aspects (like the age for this stage), the elements of the curriculum, the seven competences to be developed and the objectives for the whole stage. The second chapter (curricular organization) establishes the 8 areas ("subjects") and goes over topics like the weekly schedule, reading promotion, learning foreign languages and physical activity. In the third and fourth chapter, methodology and mentoring are respectively discussed.

The fifth chapter is about equity in education and addresses issues such as individualized attention, students with special needs and with superior intellectual abilities and learning difficulties. The sixth chapter talks about the autonomy of centres and the seventh about assessment.

It has been interesting to discuss these articles in class and extremely useful, since we will be working in the not so distant future with this decree.